3a Scissor Lift
3a Scissor Lifts are also referred to as Mobile Vertical Machines or Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWPS). Once positioned for the task, the Scissor Lift can move vertically to varied elevations within its range with simple up and down adjustments.
The bigger MEWPS may have outriggers for added stability.
These machines should largely be used on firm, level ground.
Scissor Lifts enable vertical reach for a variety of tasks in construction and maintenance scenarios, particularly on sites with tall buildings and gigantic structures. They are also used for carrying tools and equipment to varied heights, but this is not the primary function of a scissor lift.
A scissor lift should never be used as a crane.
3a Scissor Lift training will enable the operators to drive the elevated work platform correctly, choose the right movement, path and position it appropriately. The Scissor lift training course will also give guidance on setting and adjusting the vertical platform for optimum, safe performance.