Abrasive Wheels (Cutting and Grinding)

Abrasive Wheels are cutting and grinding wheels made of grit, which are small bonded particles that impart abrasive potential to the wheels. Abrasive wheels vary by the grit particles, bonding, wheel grade and build. Wheels with organic bonding are suited for cutting, while those with inorganic bonding for grinding tasks. They are used in grinding and cutting machines for a variety of tasks that may also include sharpening, sanding, or finishing. These machines could be large, fixed or portable such as Disc Cutters, Angle Grinders, and Con Saws, etc.

Abrasive Wheels come in a large variety, however, for each application there’s a specific best suited abrasive wheel. They are widely used in industries that involve working with metals, glass, fibres and wood.

Abrasive Wheels training lays special emphasis on safe usage. It also covers aspects such as selection of wheels and machines, with which they work, tips to avoid machine shaking during wheel rotation, minimising the noise, and reducing the wear and tear on wheels.

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We follow HSE Guidelines for Lift-Truck Training

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